Seeing my baby learn and grow is so exciting. She is changing every day and learning about the world. Discovering new things she can do!
You can help your baby learn new things right from the start! Playing games and setting up activities for babies of every age, helping them develop mentally, physically, and socially. There’s a lot babies can do under a year old.
Before trying these activities for babies, think about what your baby is ready for. Each and every baby develops at a different rate and may or may not be ready to try every activity quite yet.
If your baby isn’t quite ready for these activities, or you would like more ideas, check out Development Activities for babies 0-3 Months.
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I love singing to my baby. It can calm or excite her depending on what you’re trying to achieve. Sing calming music before naps or bedtime, and sing happy upbeat music for playtime! Before my baby goes to sleep, I sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. It is one of her sleep cues she has learned to let her know it is time to sleep.
Talking to your baby helps them learn a larger vocabulary along with facial expressions. Talk to them as you are having a conversation and allow time for them to respond! It’s fun to see what they may do.
Read a book
From the time my baby was in the womb, I read to her. It didn’t have to be a children’s book, it could have been something I was learning about online, I just read to her.
I’ve continued reading to her most every day now that she’s actually here! It’s another great way to help your baby build that vocabulary and learn to talk.
I have a great list of books to start your baby’s library with that you can check out, great for babies from a week old and up!
Pre-Made Activity box
KiwiCo offers age-appropriate activity boxes for each developmental age range. It takes the guessing out of “what should I do with my baby today?”. The Panda Crate was made for ages 0-24 months. It was developed in partnership with Seattle Children’s Hospital. Each crate helps babies learn by doing what they do best — playing, exploring, and most importantly, interacting with the adults in their lives! Crates arrive every other month and are filled with two months’ worth of items for baby to learn and play with!
2022 Update : My daughter is now on to the Koala Crate (for ages 2-4) and recently had a visit at her pediatrician. He was thrilled with her mental and motor skill development, saying how advanced she is for her age! I’m sure some of these age-appropriate toys and activities as well as time spent working with her have attributed to her advancement!
Tummy Time
Tummy time is important to continue doing from 0+ months so your baby can build strength in their neck, back, and arms; preparing to sit and crawl.There are many ways you can do tummy time with a baby.
1. The first is laying them on a playmat. Baby may not enjoy tummy time at first, but over time it will become fun for them. When beginning tummy time, lay them on their tummy for a few minutes at a time maybe three times per day. Increase the amount of time they spend on their tummy to enable them to strengthen their neck and back muscles.
2. Another way to do tummy time is laying your baby on your chest/belly. Baby will try lifting their head for a few seconds at a time to look at your face and other things around them.
3. When they’re a little bigger, I’d say around 3 months, you can try a fun version of tummy time! You (the parent) will lay on your back (on the bed or floor) holding baby. Lift baby up and put your knees to your chest. You can lay baby’s tummy on your shins and bring your legs closer and farther from your face while firmly holding your baby. This is fun for you and baby! You also get a little workout from it! If you don’t feel comfortable trying this one then don’t. I did want to mention it because it was a fun exercise for my baby and I.
Around 4 months old, my baby was trying to push off me with her legs. Almost like she was trying to stand up! We looked around for something fun she could use to strengthen her legs & have fun using.
We found a jumper that was perfect for this! It’s called a Jolly Jumper and it has been one of her favorite activities for months. She started using it at 4 months and has had fun listening to music and jumping to the beat! Babies can use a Jolly Jumper until they reach 28 pounds.

Facial expressions
As mentioned before, it’s hard for babies to see far off. So I suggest holding your baby in your arms and make facial expressions at them! All kinds: happy, sad, excited, raise and lower your eyebrows, anything you can think of! Your baby may even try to mimic it back! Or might just crack a smile at you.
Narrate Everything
While walking around with your baby, just narrate everything you are doing. For example, if you’re walking to the kitchen, say that out loud! “We are walking to the kitchen to get a drink” or whatever you’re doing. This helps them build vocabulary.
Sign Language
Sign language is great to teach at an early age. It is easier for babies to learn sign language than it is for them to talk at this age. So they can often communicate earlier through sign language, and then start talking later when it’s time. They can communicate things like being hungry, needing to be changed, being sleepy, and so on.
Play Music
My baby LOVES music. As soon as a song comes on that she thinks has a good beat, a smile comes across her face. Play music for your child and see what they do!
Now that shes 10 months, she pulls up on the couch and bounces to the same music that made her happy as a tiny baby 0-6 months old.
A Little Screen Time
A controversial subject, I know. My baby absolutely loves watching music videos on the YouTube channel Super Simple Songs.
Her first birthday party is actually going to be themed after her favorite song on there called “I Love The Mountains”.
She enjoys jumping in her Jolly Jumper to the beat of the music watching these videos.
I don’t condone sitting a baby in front of the television all day, but 20-30 minutes of screen time won’t hurt.
Just have fun!
Keep in mind your baby’s personal developmental stages and do the activities you think they are ready for. As long as you are spending time with your baby, they are having fun. So relax and enjoy time with that sweet baby of yours! More activities for babies to come in the future. Subscribe to the blog to be notified of new posts!