My husband and I struggled to pick the perfect name for our baby. I know out of all the mommies and daddies out there, we weren’t the only ones struggling to choose the absolute perfect name.
So I put together a few tips that helped us decide on the final name! Try these steps with your partner and you are sure to have a full name picked out in the next week or two.

- First, go online and search for baby names through Google or Pinterest. I have made a name list you could peek at that are some of my favorites. It’s actually the big list I started with when choosing names for my child. I’ll more than likely use the list again in the future for my next children.
- Ask your partner if they have any in mind that they really like.
- Write every name you like or love on a piece of paper.
- Sit down with your partner and cross some off the list together.
- Put a star next to or highlight your top 4 names.
- Look up the meanings to the names & write them down.
- Find and list some middle names that you both like. I’ve also made a list of middle names for girls and middle names for boys that may be of help to you if you’d like to look.
- Write down all your favorite middle names you find.
- Narrow your list of middle names down to your top 4 favorites together.
- Make a combination list of first and middles that sound good together.
- Write your top 4 favorite first names next to your top 4 favorite middle names and say them out loud along with the baby’s last name.
- Circle what sounds the best to you and your partner.
- Look up the meanings to the middle names and see how it goes with the first name.
- Keep in mind the initials and make sure they don’t spell something the child, or you may be embarrassed about in the future.
- Think of any possible nicknames and be sure they are something you and the child will be okay with. Kids in school can be harsh and a bad nickname or name pairing could stick with them their whole life to be made fun of.
- Enter your top name combinations into a numerology search and see what it says they will likely be like as a person. Some people don’t believe numerology, so you are welcome to skip this step. But it’s something I did, and it helped me.
- Come together as a couple and cross one or two names off of your list.
- Take about a week and you and your partner think on the names you have left on the list. Say them out loud in happy tones and angry ones. I know it may be silly, but it helps you to feel and hear yourself say it and picture your child with that name.
- When the week is up, come together again and let each other know your number one name choice.
- If each of you did not choose the same name, maybe let each other know why you chose that certain one and see if there could be a compromise.
I hope these tips can help you and your partner choose your perfect baby name! This is what my husband and I did, and we ended up loving the same name in the end! Let me know how it goes for you and what names you love or ended up choosing for
Whatever you choose will be perfect!