Daily Quick Beauty Routine Checklist step by step with skin care and makeup

10 Minute Daily Beauty Routine Checklist

For the longest time, I was putting myself last. I started to not feel good about myself when I looked in the mirror. I later made my mind up that I was going to change that. For me, mornings are the best time to put yourself first. For ten minutes at least.

As a stay-at-home mom, I find that I’m more confident and even more productive when I take the time in the morning to get out of my pajamas, into a cute outfit, and do a quick daily beauty routine first thing. I’ll show you what I do, step by step to look and feel my best even if I’m staying home all day.

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Step 1: Cleanse with Water

The first step in this easy daily beauty routine is to wake up your skin with a steaming hot washcloth. Turn the water to as hot as you can tolerate (do not burn yourself!) Then, soak a soft washcloth with hot water.

Next, ring it out a little bit, not all the way, and lay it out flat on your face. The warmth feels so good and cleanses your face without drying it out or making it oily with other cleansers.

Step 2: Face Moisturizer with SPF

I love a good moisturizer with hyaluronic acid. I start my morning beauty routine with Naeli’s face moisturizer with SPF 30.

It’s an all-in-one moisturizer, including hyaluronic acid, collagen, peptides, and ceramide complex along with sunscreen. All the wonderful ingredients to help your skin look and feel its best.

After it has a minute to dry, I start in with a little makeup.

Step 3: Eye Shadow

Most of the time, I use powder contour as an eyeshadow. It gives a natural look for when you’re just hanging around the house.

I just cover my lid with it, then use a highlighter at my brow bone and inner eyelid to brighten up my eyes. Quick, easy, and natural appearance.

Step 4: Mascara

If you don’t have enough time for all of these steps and only have a minute to get ready, I would recommend just cleansing your face and applying mascara.

You will be beautiful and ready to go for the day! The mascara I love is Estée Lauder Sumptuous Extreme.  It creates natural, long looking lashes and does not flake during the day.

Step 5: Brows

For ladies like me that have very light-colored brows, applying brow makeup really puts a beautiful finish to your natural makeup look. I use Maybelline brow drama in shade blonde.

Step 6: Lip Balm

When I wake up, my lips tend to be dry, so I just apply any lip balm, lip oil, or lip gloss to moisten them up. It really helps your face come alive in the morning!

Step 7: Style Hair

I find when I don’t do my hair in the morning, I don’t feel as good about my appearance. I found a fast easy way to curl my hair and make it look like I spent forever getting ready (when in reality, it only took a few minutes).

It’s called the InstaWave. It’s an automatic curling iron, making it almost mindless when curling your hair. It has a heat dial, and left and right buttons to curl your hair in different directions depending on the look you’re going for.

Most of the time, I style my hair in beach waves and often put it in a high pony with some bangs framing my face. The added curl makes it look more put together.

Step 8: Perfume

While I am a stay-at-home mom that doesn’t go many places due to Covid-19 lurking around, I still absolutely love to put on a nice fragrance. It does something to lift my mood!

I put it on for me, more than anyone else. I love the fresh, clean, floral perfumes with a woody undertone.

My go-to everyday fragrance is Bvlgari Omnia Coral. It’s a perfect spring/summer everyday fragrance that I can’t get enough of.

Daily Beauty Routine Advice

Find the right daily beauty routine that suits your needs. One that makes you feel confident and helps you be more productive during your day. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, working mom, or not a mom at all! When we feel more confident in our own skin, we have more motivation to do better in our lives! Self-care is so important, no matter what it looks like for each individual.

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