why do babies cry and how do i soothe them to make them stop

Why Babies Cry and How To Soothe Them

When babies cry, there is always a reason. That is their only way of communicating with you for now, so we have to listen! Figuring out why they’re crying is not always easy. I go through a mental checklist anytime my baby cries so help me figure out what to do to make her happy. Keep in mind, if your infant cries frequently and inconsolably, contact your pediatrician.

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Why do babies cry?

Your baby may be:

  • Hungry
  • Tired
  • Have a wet or dirty diaper
  • Overstimulated
  • Under stimulated
  • Teething
  • Too hot or too cold
  • Need to be burped
  • Gassy
  • Want to be held

How do I comfort them?

Try feeding them

This is often all it takes to quiet my little one down.

Check their diaper

See if it is wet or dirty. Change the diaper if need be.

Check their nose

See if they have any boogies or snot that may be making it hard for them to breathe. Newborn babies are nose breathers and do not yet know how to breathe through their mouth. Clear their nose using natural saline drops and/or a nasal bulb.

Are they too hot or too cold?

Touch your baby’s skin and make sure they’re not too hot or too cold.

If they’re hot, take off a layer or two of clothing and check their temperature with a reliable thermometer made for babies.

Too cold? You can dress them in a long sleeve onesie with a pair of pants and a set of footed pajamas over top. If that is not enough, add a swaddle blanket. Babies 0 to 2 weeks old can benefit from wearing a hat during the day and night to hold in their body heat. Monitor the baby to make sure they do not become too hot.

Burp your baby

Gently pat their back or chest. Babies can not burp on their own, therefore, you must burp them after every feeding.

Check your baby’s clothing

Check for tags, seams, or strings that may be irritating their skin. Also look for hairs that may be stuck somewhere uncomfortable. I’ve found pieces of my own hair wrapped around my baby’s fingers before that could have caused pain if left too long. Another place to check is their socks. A loose string could be wrapped around your baby’s toe and cause pain.

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Hold your baby skin to skin

Hold your baby skin to skin and rock them. You could also hold your baby up right, against your chest with their head on your shoulder, and walk around your house while gently bouncing with each step. My baby is soothed by this motion and calms down quickly if she’s tired or upset.

Swaddle your baby

If you have a newborn, they may be happier and more comfortable feeling like they’re still in their first home, mama’s womb. Help settle them down by putting them in their favorite swaddle and rock to sleep.

Softly sing a lullaby or use a sound machine

Sing your baby a song that you love or a lullaby your mom or dad used to sing when you were a baby! You could also play music on your phone or white noise on a sound machine.

Give your baby a nice warm bath

A warm bath could help soothe your baby. You may also add some lavender bath bubbles in the water to help calm your baby with the smell of lavender essential oils in the soap.

Take them on a car ride

Put your baby in their car seat and take them for a ride in the car or in their stroller.

Lay your baby in a swing

They may enjoy the back and forth or side to side motions. Some babies prefer one direction (front to back or side to side) on the swing as opposed to the other. There are some swings that allow you to swing either way. Here is a great swing to use for your baby.

Brush your baby’s hair or rub their head gently.

When my baby was a newborn, she loved having her hair brushed with a soft natural bristled brush.

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Prepare yourself before baby arrives

When I was pregnant, I worried about once the baby got here, what would I do when she cried? How am I supposed to know how to help her and know what she needs? A lot of it is learned by experience. You will create a bond with your baby and notice more cues of what your baby might be trying to tell you.

A wonderful book I read while I was pregnant was The Happiest Baby On The Block. I’m so grateful for this book. It helped me to mentally prepare myself on what to do to help calm my newborn baby. I recommend it to all new mamas out there who were just like me trying to be as prepared as possible for their baby’s arrival.

What if nothing is working?

None of these things are working? Ask for help. Ask your husband, parent, sister, brother, your friend. Anyone that you feel comfortable with handling your baby, ask them to hold the baby for a little while so you can have a break. If you don’t have anyone to help you, gently lay your baby down in their crib and walk away for a few minutes. Never let yourself get to the point of frustration where you may want to harm your baby. Simply ask for help.

If you are concerned that your baby may be in pain or something may be wrong with their health, contact your pediatrician. You can never be too safe.

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