Ways to shift your mindset for positivity and growth. Be grateful, kind, stay positive, and don't take things so seriously.

Self Care Ideas To Create A Positive Life

Self-care isn’t only about face masks and bubble baths. It’s also about freeing the emotional stress brought on through daily interactions and responsibilities. It’s about taking the time out for yourself to reboot and feel some relief.

About two years ago, I suddenly became a stay at home wife and mom to be. It has been exciting for the most part, but it came with a few mental challenges. For example having negative thoughts about myself.

I didn’t feel as if I was contributing to my family enough because I didn’t have an income. Therefore, I wanted to do everything perfectly when it came to taking care of my household; like cooking, cleaning, and organizing.

Even then, I felt like I wasn’t enough.

This led me to search for a way to lift my mood and bring more positivity to my life. I stumbled across meditation, positive thinking, and the Law Of Attraction teachings.

These tips are ones that I’ve implemented in my life. They have helped me an unbelievable amount to change my mindset and get me on a positive track for my life! I hope you find one or more of these tips that help you just as much.

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1. Get Outside

For me, I feel refreshed and grounded while being out in nature. Get out from behind the walls of your house or workplace and breathe the open air. This is one of the biggest things that helps me.

Maybe go to a park near your house or walk at a lake or the ocean. The water helps bring an even more peaceful energy to revitalize you.

I live in an area that has a lot of open space, so I just sit out in my back yard and take a few deep breaths and feel the breeze.

But as for a lot of you who live in a neighborhood or city with houses right on top of each other, it may help you to go somewhere that isn’t so closed in.

Even if you just sit at this open area for 15 minutes, it will help you feel more open, like you can actually breathe!

It’s almost like a restart button for me. Feeling one with nature, breathing the fresh open air, and soaking in a little vitamin D is good for your mood and energy.

2. Write 3 Things You Are Grateful For.

Think positively and be grateful for what life has given you. I’m sure you can find something to be grateful for, even if it’s something tiny. If you strive to think more positively every day, you will feel a change in your emotions.

Think of things you are thankful for throughout the day and write them down in a journal or notebook.

It is important to think positive thoughts about your life. After all,

positive attracts positive.

We are what we think! So, if you want to be happy and positive, you must start thinking more positive thoughts and kick out the negatives. 

Try taking all negative words from your vocabulary (like “don’t”, “can’t” and “won’t” for example) and see what happens.

3. Listen To Meditation Music

You can listen to this music while doing practically anything. It has no words, so you won’t be distracted.

For me, meditative music helps keep me calm and focused while trying to write or read and is just calming background sound while cleaning the house or doing everyday things.

It also tends to help with improving my mood. It almost feels as if the weight of stress is being lifted from my chest while listening to this music. Try listening to 432hz and 528hz music.

These are considered healing frequencies for the body and seriously help me to feel better mentally and emotionally, so I’m sure they’ll do the same for you!

Related Posts: Shift Your Mindset for Positivity and Growth

4. Exercise

By exercising, you are helping to release bad energy and start to feel good about your body. The feeling of accomplishment that you did something wonderful for the health of your body is such an uplifting feeling!

Getting your heart pumping and muscles working hard is a great habit to create and start your day off with.

There’s no need to get a gym membership or have to leave your home to get in your workouts. You can find great fitness routines online so you can exercise in your own space and at your own pace.

Another good thing about using exercise as a de-stressor is that you start to see good results in the way your body looks and feels inside and out!

There are so many good things mentally and physically that come with exercising.

5. Yoga

Yoga helps you to focus on what you’re doing right now and forget about what you may be worried or stressed about.

It helps connect the body and mind and creates a sort of inner peace. It’s a lot like meditation in motion.

You can even combine the two together to help even more when trying to reduce your anxiety.

6. Listen to “I Am” Affirmations

I personally go on YouTube and listen to “I Am” Affirmations. My favorite and most helpful affirmations I listen to come from a channel called Rising Higher Meditation on YouTube. 

Self care ideas for a positive life. Let go of your stress with these tips.

I like hers the most because of her soothing and uplifting voice!

Affirmations help you to think much more positively about yourself and what you want in life. It helps you focus on what you DO want instead of what you don’t want in your life.

Close your eyes and really take it in. Take some deep breaths and listen and repeat the affirmations in your head or out loud. 

You could even write them down if that helps! Another idea is listening to these affirmations while exercising to help you feel even more empowered!

7. Try Guided Meditations

At first, I was a skeptic of meditation. I thought it was just a bunch of humming and wasn’t really sure what it was for. But I since have tried it for myself, not the humming, but something called “guided meditation”.

Try to really focus when you listen to it. You’ll do best if you are alone and in a quiet place. I suggest doing it sitting up though! I get so calm through these guided meditations that sometimes I end up falling asleep if I’m not sitting up!

The guided meditations I have been listening to recently are there to help you visualize your life and how you want it to be; you visualize yourself in this new life and that helps you to bring it to reality.

There are also meditations for stress relief, relaxation, sleep, and so much more! I highly suggest you give it a try.

8. Declutter Your Living and Working Space

De cluttering your home and/or workspace can really help in de cluttering your mind as well.

Clutter tends to keep my mind moving and creates anxiety in me. It is important to keep this clutter out of your life so you can focus on what is important and keep yourself calm.

I enjoy seeing the end results and having the satisfaction of the work that’s been done when I finish cleaning. If I am having any negative emotion, cleaning actually helps me calm down and clear my mind. It may do the same for you!

These things have helped me so much that I feel the need to share with others who may be struggling with negative thoughts about themselves or the way their life is going.

Even by trying just a few of these tips can benefit you more than you could have imagined. I hope you will try some of them and let me know how it goes for you.

2 thoughts on “Self Care Ideas To Create A Positive Life”

  1. Great post- very helpful. I too just became a stay at home wife in the last few months and it’s hard to get used to. Getting outside is the area I struggle with the most- yet when I make the effort it immediately improves my productivity and my outlook. Pinning this for repeat views- thanks for this post.

    1. Thanks! Yes, it is a struggle at first, but you’ll find your groove and it’ll be great. I’ve enjoyed filling my time with blogging. It helps to keep your mind busy and focused.
      I’m in the same boat though when it comes to getting outside. I haven’t been able to get out as much as i’d like lately because it’s been so hot here! The other day, I was able to take my laptop outside and sit in a shady area in the yard to work. Maybe you could try that? It really does amazing things for your mind to just be outdoors.
      Thank you so much for repinning!

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