self-care routine ideas for pregnant or busy moms

Self-Care Routine For Busy Moms

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There comes a point in every mom’s life where you just have to start taking time for yourself! Your fuse is getting shorter by the second and you need to get away from everyone, even if it’s just for 20 minutes! That will give you just enough time to reset your mind and come back being more positive, calm, and happy. These self-care routine ideas are great for pregnant moms or with little ones running around. They’d even be great for a busy woman that doesn’t have children yet and needs to take a few minutes to herself!

After I had my baby, I lost myself for about 5 months. And in my opinion, that’s okay! I’m not complaining. I devote all my time to my baby daily as a stay at home mom and wouldn’t change it one bit.

But now that she’s able to be content with daddy for longer lengths of time (she’s a breastfed baby and wants mama 24/7), I’m able to get back to taking care of myself every once in a while.

Now, not many people know this about me, but I am a homebody. I could go weeks without leaving my property and be just fine.

That being said, not even a week after giving birth, I had people telling me that I needed a spa day or a “me day” and to leave my new exclusively breastfed baby with a family member while I went out to have a day for myself…..If only you could have seen my face when they said that.

I thought they were crazy because there was no way I was taking that much time for myself when I could be with my newborn baby instead. It just didn’t sound like fun to me. AT. ALL.

To some moms, it may sound like heaven, and there’s nothing wrong with that…but that’s just not me. I love to soak up every second with my baby.

So instead, I enjoy taking a few minutes to myself to rejuvenate my spirit and take a breather at home. I’m going to share with you a self-care routine for moms, ideas, and products that help me hit the reset button in my brain and let all my new mommy anxieties go.

First, Create a Calming Space.

-During this self-care time of your day, focus on yourself! Lay that phone down and don’t pick it up until your 20 minutes is up!

Light your favorite candle

-Close your eyes and take at least 3 deep breaths to push all stresses out of your head for a bit.

Self-Care Skin Routine for Moms

– Clean off your makeup

– Apply a face mask. I like the L’oreal Face masks. Having a variety of different masks on hand makes it more fun. You can switch things up each time.

– After your mask, apply a soothing lavender-infused toner. Lavender has so many helpful properties. The smell will relax you, and it will help calm skin redness and swelling.

– Next, use a face serum that works for you. The one I like most is by Estee Lauder called Advanced Night Repair ( a little goes a long way). It makes me feel like I’m doing something good for my skin. It is hydrating, which is great if you’ve been in the summer sun or the dry air of winter.

A lot of products that say “hydrating” end up making my skin feel oily and dirty and start to form pimples. This however does not. I guess it’s because it is a higher quality serum. It always leaves my skin feeling soft and smooth.

Self-Care Body Routine for Moms

-I start this one out in a warm shower. First, get clean and shave.

-Then exfoliate. Recently, I’ve started using Lavender Epsom Salt as a body scrub. I had doubts, but it works like a charm and the smell of lavender is soothing! I try to hit all the driest areas of the body so when I get to the next step of this self-care body routine, I won’t have dark spots where the self-tanner worked a little too well.

– After showering, I apply the Fake Bake Self-Tanner. I’m a pale girl and I know way too many people with sunspots and skin cancer to purposefully cook my skin in the sun.

For whatever reason, having a tan makes my self-esteem higher, especially when pregnant. If you’re pregnant, ask your doctor what they think about using a self-tanner during pregnancy.

-Once the self-tanner has been rinsed off, I apply Mama Bee Moisturizer (mostly on my belly, but it can be used all over your body if you want)

Soak Your Feet

If you’re a working mama or just someone who is on their feet a lot like me, this would be a good one for you! It’s one of my favorites.

-Fill up your massaging foot bath with warm water

-Add some Lavender Epsom salt mentioned above, and relax!

I do this in the living room while watching a movie. I’ll put a heating pad on my back or neck along with soaking my feet and it takes it to the next level!

Tip: If you have a headache and your neck is stiff as well (possibly stress-related), it helps to put the heating pad on your neck. 9 out of 10 times, it will get rid of that headache.

Are none of these ideas hitting the spot for you? Check out my long list of self-care ideas, you’re sure to find one to incorporate in your own self-care routine.

Read a Book

Is there a book you’ve been wanting to read, but just haven’t gotten to? Plan some quiet time and lay in your comfy bed or on the couch with your favorite blanket, and get some reading time in.

Another option is, while you’re soaking your feet or waiting for your face mask to be finished, read a little of your book.

Relax With Your Baby Around

During nap time or after your child is asleep for the night, take your baby monitor with you to keep an eye on them while you pamper yourself.

You could also take your baby with you! I do this during the day when I need a shower if I’m home alone with my baby. Bring a bouncer or rocker in the bathroom with you and lay your baby there to play with their favorite toy while you get to relax and do a self-care activity of your own.

Make Time For Yourself

If mommy’s not happy, nobodies happy. I’m sure you’ve experienced this. It is so important to take time for yourself to reset and come back calm and ready to take care of your family in whatever way they need you. Even if you only have a few minutes to spare.

I know there are some days that there is absolutely no extra time. On days like this, do a short breathing exercise.

It’s such a simple thing, takes no time to do, and yet does so much for lowering anxiety and stress.

Close your eyes, slowly breathe in through your nose. Hold for 3 seconds, and slowly breathe back out through your nose. Do this as many times as you need.

 When we brought our baby home after she was born, we had quite a few visitors. This made me get really anxious and my blood pressure would rise (which wasn’t good because I lost a lot of blood during childbirth, so getting anxious/high blood pressure made me feel like I was going to pass out). To calm myself, I would just go to a quiet room in my house and lay down to do this breathing exercise. It worked every time. I know now not to have any visitors for a while with baby number two!

Let me know in the comments below, what your favorite “me time” activity is. I’d love to try it at least once.

2 thoughts on “Self-Care Routine For Busy Moms”

  1. I love this post. I agree that self-care doesn’t have to happen out of the house. Just 20 minutes will make a difference! I don’t know what I would have done without a vibrating/bouncy seat when my boys were babies, it was the only way I could take a shower!

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